Equine Dentistry | Wil Croncich
Equine Dental Technician Wil Croncich is joined by Nate Lea from Outlaw Equine in this educational video about dental health.
Hoof Care | Bill Wilkins
Follow along with farrier Bill Wilkins for an educational session about hoof care.
Equine Body Work
The purpose and procedure of equine body work.
FAQ | Dr. Erica Lacher
Feeding program, supplements, body condition, signs and treatment of illness, worming regimine, vaccinations, and much more.
Cold Weather And Horses
Dr Cayot gives his expert advice about how cold weather can affect your horse.
Blister Beetle Dangers
Dr. Cayot discusses the dangers of blister beetles
Ulcers In Horses
Dr Cayot gives his expert advice about ulcers in horses.
Smoke Inhalation
Dr. Cayot discusses smoke inhalation in horses.
When Should You Retire Your Horse?
Dr. Cayot shares his wisdom about when and how to retire a horse.